This last December the National Clean Plant Network lost one of it’s founding leaders and stalwart supporters. Deborah Golino played a key role in the establishment of NCPN and continued to advocate for the Network and its mission until her retirement in 2021. As the Director of Foundation Plant Services, Dr. Golino and her teams were responsible for building and maintaining Clean Plant programs for a number of specialty crops recognized by the network. But her influence extended far beyond grapes, fruit trees, roses, and sweetpotatoes. Deborah advocated equally for all crops within the NCPN family and was tireless in her efforts to ensure continued funding and protection of the national program.
Below is an excerpt from the January 8, 2024 article by Dr. Maher Al Rwahnih. To read more:
Deborah Golino remembered for guiding evolution of Foundation Plant Services
and advocating for the use of clean plants
Deborah Golino, former director of Foundation Plant Services (FPS) in UC Davis’s College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, passed away on December 23, 2023. Deborah worked as director of FPS from 1994 until retirement in 2021. She was a kind and supportive administrator, who will be deeply missed by all those who knew her. Deborah was a prominent advocate for clean plant use and the advancement of technologies used for clean plant production.
From 1994 to 2010, FPS’s programs more than tripled under Deborah’s management. Deborah was a great fundraiser and made sure that FPS had the financial resources to ensure its long-term stability.
Foundation Plant Services and the UC Davis Department of Plant Pathology are working together to hold a celebration of Deborah’s life on April 27, 2024 at 2:00 pm at the UC Davis Conference Center. A Zoom feed will also be available. Please use this form to RSVP.
UC Davis has also established the Deborah Golino Fund to Support FPS for those who want to support the FPS program in her memory.