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The National Clean Plant Network for Grapes (NCPN-Grapes) is a network of industry members, experts in plant pathology, regulators and clean plant centers that  provides healthy grapevine material to the grape industry in the United States.

NCPN-Grapes clean plant centers produce and curate healthy vine stocks and distribute propagation materials for the production of healthy vines that are essential to the health and productivity of vineyards in the United States. The headquarters of NCPN-Grapes is at Foundation Plant Services at the University of California, Davis.  FPS also manages the primary foundation vineyard for NCPN. 


Our clean plant centers and programs:


Foundation level plant material is sold primarily to the nursery industry to establish healthy sources of propagation materials for commercial production. Order policies and minimums differ between centers. Please contact a center or program for specifics. 

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NCPN Testimonals

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 “The National Clean Plant Network is important to Double A Vineyards’ future business success...This is not something we could do ourselves and the program is a great example of the industry working together for the benefit of all.”

Dennis Rak, Double A Vineyards, New York

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I've had to replant a number of young vineyards due to unclean plant material. It's heartbreaking. Starting with known, clean material, is fundamental in maintaining the longevity of a vineyard.”

Chris Bowland, Grape Grower and Vineyard Manager, Sonoma County, California

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"The National Clean Plant Network is critical to the future of our business. Having the support of the Clean Plant Center Northwest in Prosser, WA and Foundation Plant Services in Davis, CA is essential to our mission of providing clean vines to our clients.“


Kevin C. Judkins, Owner/Operator, Inland Desert Nursery, Benton City, WA

Copyright 2023 National Clean Plant Network

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