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The National Clean Plant Network for Citrus (NCPN-Citrus) is a network of industry members, experts in plant pathology, regulators, and clean plant centers that  provides healthy citrus material to the citrus industry in the United States.


NCPN-Citrus ensures that high quality (true-to-type) citrus propagative materials are produced (therapy & diagnostics), maintained (management & retesting of foundation blocks & nursery sources), and distributed throughout the USA under the standards of excellence established by the NCPN governance.


Citrus is susceptible to many diseases associated with graft-transmissible pathogens such as bacteria, viruses, and viroids. These diseases severely limit tree health, reduce yields, and affect fruit quality. To prevent the spread of these potentially devastating diseases a source of clean therapied and pathogen-tested budwood for citrus tree propagation is essential.


Foundation level plant material is sold primarily to the nursery industry to establish healthy sources of propagation materials for commercial production. Order policies and minimums differ between centers. Please contact a center or program for specifics. 

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NCPN Testimonals


 “For our industry to stay profitable, we must start with disease-free plant material as part of controlling our costs and keeping production profitable.  NCPN will have a long-term positive impact toward feeding the world’s population into the future.”

 Nate Jameson, Brite Leaf Citrus Nursery LLC – Florida


Four generations of experience tells us that the only way to run a citrus nursery business properly is to use clean stock material.  Support from NCPN allows us to identify and eliminate potential problems as early on as possible in the citrus production chain.”

Aaron Dillon, Four Winds Growers – Watsonville, California


“The Texas commercial citrus industry is comprised of almost 27,000 acres across a three-county area in the Lower Rio Grande Valley. Without the National Clean Plant Network’s contributions to specialty crops we’d be fighting a never-ending battle of pest and disease issues with a blindfold on and both hands tied behind our backs. This program gives us that fighting chance.

Dale Murden, President and Grower,

Texas Citrus Mutal

Copyright 2023 National Clean Plant Network

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